Fragmented Narratives: Exploring Storytelling approaches for Animation in Spatial Context
International Journal of Film and Media Arts (2021)
International Journal of Film and Media Arts (2021)
Presented at ‘Bringing Legacy to Life’ Stop Motion Conference 2021 Animation Research Network Scotland
As part of CINANIMA – Espinho International Animation Film Festival, where renowned names of cinema, animation and illustration pass through every year, Lea Vidakovic presents the masterclass Storytelling Approaches for Expanded Animation.
In this masterclass, spatial storytelling approaches of several animated installations will be discussed, including Sisters (2012), Splendid Isolation (2010) as well as a glimpse of a new work in progress.
Presented at The cosmos of Animation, 28th Annual Conference of the Society of Animation Studies, ADM/NTU, Singapore, 2016.
What happens to the story when animation expands beyond the screen, beyond the cinema venue? Do the new sites (both physical and virtual) call for different content, different form of presentation? What kind of stories would we tell in these immersive environments, that alternate the screen space?